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Some feedback

Posted: 22 Mar 2014 00:37
by soulburner
Hi, I recently found Load! after being annoyed with jDownloader 2 and I like your program a lot, but there are a few minor things I would like to see changed or added. The list below may seem long but most of the things are minor and their implementation should either be rather easy or... simply not a requirement. Consider this a list of suggestions, not demands ;) After testing your program today I'm very satisfied with its functionality and it's pinned on my taskbar :)

- use the default system font, which for most Windows Vista/7/8 is Segoe UI 9pt instead of Tahoma 8pt. If not by default, add an option to allow the more advanced users to specify their own fonts
- I ran out of hard disk space and the only way Load! informed me about it was on the "Log" screen, which I clicked out of curiosity. Suggestion: not only change the 'status' column to 'failed: [reason]' but also change the Windows 7 superbar progress bar color to red. That would be an instant notification that something went wrong
- ability to remove the blue gradient on the toolbar
- option to show grid lines on the download list
- full row selection on the download list
- alternative row colors on the download lists, make each second row a light shade of grey (as an option).
- option to keep completed downloads on the 'Links' tab
- add 'open link in browser' or 'show download link(s)' to the context menu of downloads
- single button on the toolbar to enable/disable clipboard monitor

I guess that's all I can think of... for now ;)

Thank you for a great application and keep up the good work :)

Re: Some feedback

Posted: 22 Mar 2014 12:09
by Vicort
Hello and welcome!

I support your suggestions overall. Some of them seem unnecessary to me and others have already been suggested at the german forums. But there wasn't anything done so far.

Things I wanna have too:
soulburner wrote: - use the default system font
- full row selection on the download list
- single button on the toolbar to enable/disable clipboard monitor - Hot Key ?
- add 'open link in browser' or 'show download link(s)' to the context menu of downloads
This was already suggested and it's very usefull of course, for downloading files which seem corrupt through LOAD or because of outdated plugins.
But Vash answered that they won't add this, because of license rights for the container formats.
One thing I don't understand is that there are other tools available which do this job (extraction of links) and as well. So why not for LOAD ?

The other points are "nice too have" but not really necessary. They want to keep LOAD as small as possible and they always say "that's too much effort for programming"

- context menu of both "links" and "completed downloads" to be equal for functions like "save packets", "Move" ...
- a hint for saved comments (icon, text, or new column in which the comment is shown)
- additional icon(s) for "stopped downloads" ... or save the status of stopped downloads after closing.
- change background colors ?
New suggestion:
- Change hotkey for "remove selected packet.." to CTRL + DEL to prevent accidents ... or a trash can ?

Re: Some feedback

Posted: 28 Jun 2014 12:10
by soulburner
Regarding licence rights for container formats - Load! could use the same approach as jDownloader does, meaning protected links are... well, protected and lead to the protected links website instead of directly to the files.